কুনোব্যাঙ এর বৈজ্ঞানিক নাম কি? What is the scientific name of the frog?

 কুনোব্যাঙ এর বৈজ্ঞানিক নাম কি? What is the scientific name of the frog?

উত্তরঃ Bufo/Duttaphrynus melanostictus.

কুনোব্যাঙ এর বৈজ্ঞানিক নাম কি? What is the scientific name of the frog?

কুনোব্যাঙ এর বৈজ্ঞানিক নাম কি? এর বিস্তারিত What is the scientific name of the frog? Details

Dataphrynus melanostictus is commonly called Asian common toad, Asian black-spined toad, Asian toad, black spotted toad, common Sunda toad and Javanese toad. It is probably a complex of several true toad species widely distributed in South and Southeast Asia.

The species grows to about 20 cm (8 in) tall. The Asian common toad breeds during the rainy season and their tadpoles are black. Young toads can be seen in abundance after the end of the monsoon rains.

On the top of the head along the edge of the snout (canthal ridge), in front of the eyes (preorbital), above the eyes (supraorbital), behind the eyes (postorbital) and a small one in the middle. Eyes and ears (orbitotympanic). The snout is short and blunt, and the space between the eyes is wider than the width of the upper eyelid. The ear drum or tympanum is very distinct and about two-thirds the diameter of the eye. The first toe is often longer than the second, and the toes are at least half webbed. A warty tubercle is found just before the junction of the femur and shank (subarticular tubercle) and the two middle ones are on the shank (metatarsus). There are no folds of skin along the tarsus. 

The "knee" (tarsometatarsal articulation) reaches the tympanum or eye when the hind legs are held parallel to the side of the body. Dorsal side covered with spiny warts. The parotoids are prominent, kidney-shaped, or oval and elongated and secrete a milky white bufotoxin. The dorsal side is yellowish or brown and the spines and ridges are black. The underside is unmarked or spotted. Males have a subgular vocal sac and black pads on the inner fingers that help hold the female during copulation.

 কুনোব্যাঙ এর বৈজ্ঞানিক নাম কি? What is the scientific name of the frog?

উত্তরঃ Bufo/Duttaphrynus melanostictus.

কুনোব্যাঙ এর বৈজ্ঞানিক নাম কি? What is the scientific name of the frog?

কুনোব্যাঙ এর বৈজ্ঞানিক নাম কি? এর বিস্তারিত What is the scientific name of the frog? Details

Dataphrynus melanostictus is commonly called Asian common toad, Asian black-spined toad, Asian toad, black spotted toad, common Sunda toad and Javanese toad. It is probably a complex of several true toad species widely distributed in South and Southeast Asia.

The species grows to about 20 cm (8 in) tall. The Asian common toad breeds during the rainy season and their tadpoles are black. Young toads can be seen in abundance after the end of the monsoon rains.

On the top of the head along the edge of the snout (canthal ridge), in front of the eyes (preorbital), above the eyes (supraorbital), behind the eyes (postorbital) and a small one in the middle. Eyes and ears (orbitotympanic). The snout is short and blunt, and the space between the eyes is wider than the width of the upper eyelid. The ear drum or tympanum is very distinct and about two-thirds the diameter of the eye. The first toe is often longer than the second, and the toes are at least half webbed. A warty tubercle is found just before the junction of the femur and shank (subarticular tubercle) and the two middle ones are on the shank (metatarsus). There are no folds of skin along the tarsus. 

The "knee" (tarsometatarsal articulation) reaches the tympanum or eye when the hind legs are held parallel to the side of the body. Dorsal side covered with spiny warts. The parotoids are prominent, kidney-shaped, or oval and elongated and secrete a milky white bufotoxin. The dorsal side is yellowish or brown and the spines and ridges are black. The underside is unmarked or spotted. Males have a subgular vocal sac and black pads on the inner fingers that help hold the female during copulation.

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