on the face of it 6 mark Questions class 12

 Class 12 special suggestion here NCERT/CBSE Students. Today  3 most important Questions and Answers 6 Mark Questions and Answers.  


on the face of it 6 mark Questions class 12
on the face of it 6 mark Questions class 12 Study tripura

On the Face of It

6 Mark Questions and Answers

Work Book Solutions                                                                                   Class 12


1. Justify the title ‘On the Face of It’.

 Ans. The title of the story ‘On the Face of It’ seems to be very appropriate. The idiom ‘On the Face of It’ means from appearance alone. In the play, Deny is frustrated (হতাশ) and has lost self-esteem (আত্মসম্মান) due to the others’ attitude towards him. Everyone thought  that his burnt face was terrible and he was handicapped. Similar was the case of Mr Lamb. He lost his one leg in a bomb explosion (বিস্ফোরন)

Apparently – both Mr Lamb and Derry had the deformity (বিকলাঙ্গতা). But Mr Lamb enabled Deny to have faith in himself and look at the bright side of things and to learn to live with it. Their physical handicap was an apparent thing for them as well as for the world. But the most significant thing is the strength of one’s soul. Mr Lamb was a mentally strong person who handled his own handicap and loneliness very nicely. He became instrumental in making Deny change his views about himself and his deformity and started taking things positively. The chapter deals with the acceptance of the fact that it is not always the same as it appears.


2. Compare and contrast the characters of Mr Lamb and Derry.

Ans: Both Mr Lamb and Derry suffer from a physical impairment. Mr Lamb has an artificial leg made of tin and Derry has a severely burnt face — both the experiences have been terribly (ভয়ানক) painful for the respective (নিজ নিজ) sufferers.

Apart from this Mr Lamb does not bother about his lameness. He develops positive attitude and accepts it as it comes. Though children tease him by calling ‘Lamey-Lamb’, yet he does not mind. He keeps his door always open. People visit him. Mr Lamb loves all the creatures of God. Mr. Lamb was a lonely person. He used to get happiness by spending time with others and reading books. Derry is deeply influenced (প্রভাবিত) by the positive attitude of Mr. Lamb.

on the other hand, Derry is a young boy of fourteen who is conscious (সচেতন) of his ugly face and is full of bitterness (তিক্ততা). He hates meeting people. He suffers on account of the pain caused by people hate him. Derry is forced by Mr Lamb to see that actions are more important than looks and even weeds have their value. Mr Lamb’s positive attitude changes Derry and inspires him to rush back and face the world.


3. Derry and Mr Lamb both are victims of physical impairment, but much more painful for them is the feeling of loneliness. Explain.
"Both Derry and Lamb are victims of physical impairment,but much more painful for them is the feeling of loneliness."

Ans: Derry’s main problem is his burnt face. One side of his face had been burnt by acid. He suffers from a tremendous (ভয়ংকর) sense of inferiority (হীনমন্যতা) complex. He is always conscious of the fact that his face is “bad”, “terrible” and “the ugliest thing”. People are “afraid” of him. He tries to escape (পলায়ন) from people. He allows himself to be alienated (বিচ্ছিন্ন) from the world.

On the other hand, Mr. Lamb doesn’t  allow his physical disability to come in his way. He accepts life as it comes. He has a positive attitude towards life, things and people.  Children tease him by calling him “Lamey-Lamb” but he doesn’t mind it. One of his legs was blown off in the war. But he is full of life and enjoys it to his best. He enjoys sitting in the sun, reading books and growing weeds and flowers.

 Class 12 special suggestion here NCERT/CBSE Students. Today  3 most important Questions and Answers 6 Mark Questions and Answers.  


on the face of it 6 mark Questions class 12
on the face of it 6 mark Questions class 12 Study tripura

On the Face of It

6 Mark Questions and Answers

Work Book Solutions                                                                                   Class 12


1. Justify the title ‘On the Face of It’.

 Ans. The title of the story ‘On the Face of It’ seems to be very appropriate. The idiom ‘On the Face of It’ means from appearance alone. In the play, Deny is frustrated (হতাশ) and has lost self-esteem (আত্মসম্মান) due to the others’ attitude towards him. Everyone thought  that his burnt face was terrible and he was handicapped. Similar was the case of Mr Lamb. He lost his one leg in a bomb explosion (বিস্ফোরন)

Apparently – both Mr Lamb and Derry had the deformity (বিকলাঙ্গতা). But Mr Lamb enabled Deny to have faith in himself and look at the bright side of things and to learn to live with it. Their physical handicap was an apparent thing for them as well as for the world. But the most significant thing is the strength of one’s soul. Mr Lamb was a mentally strong person who handled his own handicap and loneliness very nicely. He became instrumental in making Deny change his views about himself and his deformity and started taking things positively. The chapter deals with the acceptance of the fact that it is not always the same as it appears.


2. Compare and contrast the characters of Mr Lamb and Derry.

Ans: Both Mr Lamb and Derry suffer from a physical impairment. Mr Lamb has an artificial leg made of tin and Derry has a severely burnt face — both the experiences have been terribly (ভয়ানক) painful for the respective (নিজ নিজ) sufferers.

Apart from this Mr Lamb does not bother about his lameness. He develops positive attitude and accepts it as it comes. Though children tease him by calling ‘Lamey-Lamb’, yet he does not mind. He keeps his door always open. People visit him. Mr Lamb loves all the creatures of God. Mr. Lamb was a lonely person. He used to get happiness by spending time with others and reading books. Derry is deeply influenced (প্রভাবিত) by the positive attitude of Mr. Lamb.

on the other hand, Derry is a young boy of fourteen who is conscious (সচেতন) of his ugly face and is full of bitterness (তিক্ততা). He hates meeting people. He suffers on account of the pain caused by people hate him. Derry is forced by Mr Lamb to see that actions are more important than looks and even weeds have their value. Mr Lamb’s positive attitude changes Derry and inspires him to rush back and face the world.


3. Derry and Mr Lamb both are victims of physical impairment, but much more painful for them is the feeling of loneliness. Explain.
"Both Derry and Lamb are victims of physical impairment,but much more painful for them is the feeling of loneliness."

Ans: Derry’s main problem is his burnt face. One side of his face had been burnt by acid. He suffers from a tremendous (ভয়ংকর) sense of inferiority (হীনমন্যতা) complex. He is always conscious of the fact that his face is “bad”, “terrible” and “the ugliest thing”. People are “afraid” of him. He tries to escape (পলায়ন) from people. He allows himself to be alienated (বিচ্ছিন্ন) from the world.

On the other hand, Mr. Lamb doesn’t  allow his physical disability to come in his way. He accepts life as it comes. He has a positive attitude towards life, things and people.  Children tease him by calling him “Lamey-Lamb” but he doesn’t mind it. One of his legs was blown off in the war. But he is full of life and enjoys it to his best. He enjoys sitting in the sun, reading books and growing weeds and flowers.

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